
Personalized Consultation
Description: A one-on-one consultation where we will discuss your specific needs and develop a personalized plan tailored to your goals.
Price: €200

Social Media Strategy Session
Description: A deep dive into your current social media presence, with actionable insights and recommendations on how to improve your strategy.
Price: €350

Service 3: Brand Audit
Description: A comprehensive analysis of your brand's online presence, messaging, and customer perception, with suggestions for improvement.
Price: €500

Service 4: Website Optimization Review
Description: We'll review your website for design, performance, and SEO, and provide recommendations to enhance user experience and visibility.
Price: €450

Service 5: Content Creation Package
Description: A custom package of high-quality content tailored to your business needs, including blog posts, social media content, or web copy.
Price: €600

When clients select a service, they should be prompted to book a Calendly event with me to discuss the service in more detail. After the meeting, I will send them an invoice, and once payment is received, we can go ahead with the service.



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